Razmišljao sam nešto slično ubaciti u svoju C-peticu, ali jendostasvno nema mjesta za tako nešto na središjnoj plohi. Išao sam malo tražiti po netu i naletio na ovaj fenomenaln Uradi-sam tutorial. Ovo je sa američkog Subaru foruma, primjer ugradnje na Subaru 2008 STi. Ideja je fantastična, pa ako netko budeo imao novaca, vremena i volje, siguran sam da će ga izvedba ove ideje inspirirati. 
Prenosim post u cijelost s http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2459432
Feeling inspired by black thunder then zedix along with many other videos and posts of android tablets being mounted into cars I decided to try my own Nexus 7 install.
Here is how it came out, I'm pretty pleased with the result.
My Parts List:
Subaru of America Double DIN AV Panel (ia Performance)
Google Nexus 7 (Staples)
Parrot MKi 9100 (Amazon.com)
Rocketfish Dual USB Vehicle Charger (Best Buy)
Tech Armor Anti-Glare & Anti-Fingerprint (Matte) Screen Protector (Amazon.com)
eBay snap on back cover for mounting N7 (from seller "toolmld")
Custom built acrylic double DIN sized "box" as a support
Metra 95-8902 Double DIN Installation Kit cannibalized for brackets (Amazon.com)
Metra 70-7552 Radio Wiring Harness for power tap (Amazon.com)
Enercell 12VDC Vehicle Power Accessory Outlet (Radio Shack)
StarTech.com Micro USB Cable - A to Right Angle Micro B (Amazon.com)
I already had a Parrot MKi9100 in the car and mostly used my phone to play music and do navigation so I rarely used my actual head unit. A android tablet would just continue to use the same bluetooth connection for audio output so I only had to worry about mounting and powering it. The Parrot would take care of driving the speakers and providing speakerphone services.
I ripped the head unit out and tried out the tablet in the car for a few weeks.
Just Testing
Once I got all the software working and I was happy with how the overall integration felt I started to design the mounting method.
I knew I wanted to use a stock bezel and saw pics of the N7 fitting neatly behind a double din opening but didn't know if the width of the tablet would fit under the curves of the subaru bezel. After I saw the fitment in zedix's thread it gave me the confidence to go for it.
Test fitting.
Trimming bottom tabs, I also had to trim off the top center tab.
Because the stock radio sits at a angle and mates up to the trim pannel I decided the best way to ensure a clean fit was to use the same mount points.
I found that Metra makes a DIN adapter kit for the 08+ Impreza for mounting a double DIN HU into the stock non-nav bezel. It was a modular kit with mounting brackets that were separate from a trim mask piece. I ordered it just for the brackets. Now I needed something the size and shape of a double DIN HU to attach the brackets to so I built a dummy double DIN head unit from sheet acrylic. I left the back open so I could mount accessories like a DAC or USB hub, right now it just has a lighter socket and power adapter.
Building the dummy DIN
Trimming the brackets from the Metra kit
The brackets attached using machine screws and nuts from home depot.
The assembled unit with the brackets on and everything mounted.
I wanted to be able to remove the tablet from time to time in order to work on software, do firmware flashes etc. I decided to use a snap on back cover from ebay to actually hold the tablet in place. The snap cover is then attached using sugru to the acrylic head unit dummy. That gives the mount some flex to absorb road vibration.
The snap on back cover adds a bit of thickness to the edge.
The whole rig with tablet removed showing the back cover used as a mount.
For power I used the Rocketfish "Dual USB Vehicle Charger" I tried like 4 or 5 chargers before finding one that works. I didn't want it just flapping around in the dash so I added a radio shack accessory 12V outlet to the inside of my housing, some weldon 16 acrylic glue and it was solid. The outlet is wired to a Metra stereo wiring harness, just for power so that it is switched when the car turns on and also runs off the original head unit circuit and fuse. The harness also gives me the option to add dimmer control in the future. The rocketfish adapter plugs into the power socket and then connects to the tablet using a short USB cable with right angle plug on the micro USB end. Keeps all the cable routing clean and low profile.
Right angle micro USB
Accessory socket with power adapter and wiring harness.
A anti glare screen protector was added to cut down on reflections in the car.
Notice the softness of the reflection from outside my window, helps allot.
The whole thing mounted in the car with the bezel off.
With tablet removed.
Pulling the mounting rig out of the dash
Blue box is the Parrot unit mounted in the stock sat radio position.
You can also see where I had to trim back part of the dash to get enough clearance for the depth of the tablet. Still curious how others did this without trimming, even with the back cover removed I couldn't get it to fit.
Playing from Spotify.
Overall I'm really happy with how this turned out, thanks to black thunder then zedix for the inspiration.
Prenosim post u cijelost s http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2459432
Feeling inspired by black thunder then zedix along with many other videos and posts of android tablets being mounted into cars I decided to try my own Nexus 7 install.
Here is how it came out, I'm pretty pleased with the result.

My Parts List:
Subaru of America Double DIN AV Panel (ia Performance)
Google Nexus 7 (Staples)
Parrot MKi 9100 (Amazon.com)
Rocketfish Dual USB Vehicle Charger (Best Buy)
Tech Armor Anti-Glare & Anti-Fingerprint (Matte) Screen Protector (Amazon.com)
eBay snap on back cover for mounting N7 (from seller "toolmld")
Custom built acrylic double DIN sized "box" as a support
Metra 95-8902 Double DIN Installation Kit cannibalized for brackets (Amazon.com)
Metra 70-7552 Radio Wiring Harness for power tap (Amazon.com)
Enercell 12VDC Vehicle Power Accessory Outlet (Radio Shack)
StarTech.com Micro USB Cable - A to Right Angle Micro B (Amazon.com)
I already had a Parrot MKi9100 in the car and mostly used my phone to play music and do navigation so I rarely used my actual head unit. A android tablet would just continue to use the same bluetooth connection for audio output so I only had to worry about mounting and powering it. The Parrot would take care of driving the speakers and providing speakerphone services.
I ripped the head unit out and tried out the tablet in the car for a few weeks.

Just Testing
Once I got all the software working and I was happy with how the overall integration felt I started to design the mounting method.
I knew I wanted to use a stock bezel and saw pics of the N7 fitting neatly behind a double din opening but didn't know if the width of the tablet would fit under the curves of the subaru bezel. After I saw the fitment in zedix's thread it gave me the confidence to go for it.

Test fitting.

Trimming bottom tabs, I also had to trim off the top center tab.
Because the stock radio sits at a angle and mates up to the trim pannel I decided the best way to ensure a clean fit was to use the same mount points.
I found that Metra makes a DIN adapter kit for the 08+ Impreza for mounting a double DIN HU into the stock non-nav bezel. It was a modular kit with mounting brackets that were separate from a trim mask piece. I ordered it just for the brackets. Now I needed something the size and shape of a double DIN HU to attach the brackets to so I built a dummy double DIN head unit from sheet acrylic. I left the back open so I could mount accessories like a DAC or USB hub, right now it just has a lighter socket and power adapter.

Building the dummy DIN

Trimming the brackets from the Metra kit

The brackets attached using machine screws and nuts from home depot.

The assembled unit with the brackets on and everything mounted.
I wanted to be able to remove the tablet from time to time in order to work on software, do firmware flashes etc. I decided to use a snap on back cover from ebay to actually hold the tablet in place. The snap cover is then attached using sugru to the acrylic head unit dummy. That gives the mount some flex to absorb road vibration.

The snap on back cover adds a bit of thickness to the edge.

The whole rig with tablet removed showing the back cover used as a mount.
For power I used the Rocketfish "Dual USB Vehicle Charger" I tried like 4 or 5 chargers before finding one that works. I didn't want it just flapping around in the dash so I added a radio shack accessory 12V outlet to the inside of my housing, some weldon 16 acrylic glue and it was solid. The outlet is wired to a Metra stereo wiring harness, just for power so that it is switched when the car turns on and also runs off the original head unit circuit and fuse. The harness also gives me the option to add dimmer control in the future. The rocketfish adapter plugs into the power socket and then connects to the tablet using a short USB cable with right angle plug on the micro USB end. Keeps all the cable routing clean and low profile.

Right angle micro USB

Accessory socket with power adapter and wiring harness.

A anti glare screen protector was added to cut down on reflections in the car.

Notice the softness of the reflection from outside my window, helps allot.

The whole thing mounted in the car with the bezel off.

With tablet removed.

Pulling the mounting rig out of the dash

Blue box is the Parrot unit mounted in the stock sat radio position.
You can also see where I had to trim back part of the dash to get enough clearance for the depth of the tablet. Still curious how others did this without trimming, even with the back cover removed I couldn't get it to fit.

Playing from Spotify.
Overall I'm really happy with how this turned out, thanks to black thunder then zedix for the inspiration.